send goods

Shipping throughout the Middle East

Design and price estimation

Design and price in the shortest time

Providing and consulting services

Providing 24-hour service

Pimtash brand products

U-PVC ball water valve

U-PVC spring check valve

U-PVC Solvent cement cross

U-PVC pipe calmp

U-PVC Double Socket

farab brand products

gate valve soft sealing

Rubber Expansion Joint

Metal Seated Gate Valve

Stainer (Steam)

Butterfly Valve Lug Type

Atlas Pool brand products

U-PVC ball water valve

U-PVC spring check valve

U-PVC Solvent cement cross

U-PVC pipe calmp

U-PVC Double Socket

Atlas Pool brand products

Pool filtration pump

Economy sand filter with polyethylene body and six-way valve

Polyester sand filter with six-way valve

Polymertos brand products

U-PVC solvent cement 90 elbow

U-PVC solvent cement reducer

U-PVC Solvent cement end cap

U-PVC pipe calmpU-PVC Solvent cement tee

U-PVC Double Socket

Learn more about us

The salamati Facilities Group was established under registration number 094-094-0451921 in 1987 in order to operate in the field of selling pipes and fittings, distributing building sanitary ware and providing pool products by the founder of the group, Seyyed Mohammad salamati.

Shipping to all over Asia

In sync with the world's current knowledge

Supplying equipment for more than 1000 projects

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Pipe and fittings store

The salamati facility group of construction and pool pipes and fittings store is at your service with U-PVC products, including Polyca pipes and fittings, 5-layer pipes and fittings, single-layer pipes and fittings, polyethylene pipes and fittings, and push-fit pipes and fittings.

With more than 50 years of experience in this field, the group of salamati facilities is ready to cooperate with you and provides free consulting services to customers who need guidance in choosing the right product or in any other field.

If you have any questions or criticisms, please contact the numbers below. You can also use the following methods to communicate:

Online chat, Once App, Ita Messenger